How aging of skin and collagen and elastin are related
Let's first look at why our skin actually wrinkles with time. When we our young our body produces a lot of collagen and elastin internally. These proteins are necessary for keeping the skin firm and elastic. A constant supply of the proteins by our body to the skin takes care of the wear and tear that naturally occurs.
With age, however, our body's ability to produce these proteins keeps decreasing gradually. Ultimately, a stage comes when the supply of new proteins is not enough to keep pace with the breakdown of the fibers in the skin. This makes the skin loose and saggy. Wrinkles and fine lines also start appearing all over it then.
It becomes obvious now that the way to reverse wrinkles from the skin is to increase the collagen and elastin content in it. The problem lies in finding the right way top do it.
The common ways people try to do this is by taking collagen injections or using creams containing these two proteins as ingredients. There are problems in both the approaches. Let's find out what they are.
One thing is, the collagen that both these treatments use is a synthetic one. It doesn't mix properly with the natural collagen structures of the skin and so the effectiveness of these treatments is also limited. The injections can in fact cause side effects like allergies, pain and muscle weakness too.
The problem with the creams is - collagen molecules are too big in size to be absorbed by the skin. So most of it is left unused on the top of the skin and doesn't have any visible effects on the skin.
What you really need is a way to increase your body's ability to produce these proteins.
Natural substances like Manuka Honey, Cynergy TK and Avocado Oil are able to do this effectively.
Not only do they stimulate collagen and elastin production in the skin, but keep it moisturized, soft and supple too. These ingredients keep the skin safe from free radicals and the UV rays too.
Aging of skin and collagen and elastin are closely related. Just make sure to use natural substances that can increase the production of these proteins in your body - and you will never have to worry about wrinkles again. by Frank Langella
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