The stories get handed down because we want them to be true. Scientists and researchers have developed institutes that specifically study aging in hopes of better understanding the aging process and slowing it down.
Aging is inevitable. We all know it is happening but even those most accepting of the process, don't want to look and feel the effects of their age. In the effort to live a healthy, anti-aging lifestyle, it is important to reduce stress, get plenty of sleep, eat a good diet, maintain a recommended weight, and exercise regularly. Taking high-quality nutritional supplements will also greatly improve our health and reduce the effects of aging. Vitamins and minerals such as calcium will strengthen bones, vitamin B will promote healthy DNA replication, and vitamins E and C will combat cellular aging.
Now we can add a powerful new weapon to our anti-aging arsenal, resveratrol. The best science comes from nature and produces the healthiest, results. Resveratrol, has potent anti-aging properties and is found in grapes and grape-derived products like red wine. You may have heard that having a glass of red wine daily has beneficial health properties. If you're in tune with the beauty industry, you will have also heard about the "power of the grape." Grape extract is appearing in a host of new anti-aging skin care products and rejuvenating hair care conditioners because of its restorative effects.
Now that I'm "past a certain age," I'm on the lookout for products that may not stop the clock, but at least make the rotation of its hands seem a bit slower. Personally, I want to feel strong and healthy for as long as possible, enjoy a feeling of youth and wellness, and feel as good as possible about my appearance. I've embraced a healthy lifestyle, going to the gym and such, as well as taking nutritional supplements to make up for the flaws in my diet.
What can you do to help your body combat the effects of aging? Here's a list of ideas. Pick a couple and try them out for thirty days. You'll feel better and probably look fresher too.
- Hit the gym regularly, at least twice a week. - Get outside for fresh air for at least 15 minutes a day, weather permitting. - Make a habit of snacking on raw carrots, celery and other fresh and "portable" veggie snacks - Get a solid 8 hours of sleep. Yes, you really can make time and you need to. - Find a good multi-vitamin supplement and take it regularly. - De-stress daily. Find at least 5 minutes of quiet time and just feel your breathing.
If you're already doing all these things - that's great! I bet folks often tell you that you look younger than your age. And if you're not, just add 1 or 2 good habits and stick with them for a month. by Linda Ford, PhD
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